Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Hello, earth.
With just one hand held up high
I can blot you out,
Out of sight.
Peek-a-boo, little earth.
With just my heart and my mind
I can be driving,
Driving home,
And you asleep
On the seat.
I get out of my car,
Step into the night
And look up at the sky.
And theres something bright,
Travelling fast.
Look at it go!
Look at it go!
Watching storms
Start to form
Over America.
Can't do anything.
Just watch them swing
With the wind
Out to sea.
All you sailors,
(get out of the waves! get out of the water!)
All life-savers,
(get out of the waves! get out of the water!)
All you cruisers,
(get out of the waves! get out of the water!)
All you fishermen,
Head for home.
Go to sleep, little earth.
I was there at the birth,
Out of the cloudburst,
The head of the tempest.
Murder of calm.
Why did I go?
Why did I go?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
好個人, 好個人(personal)的...
我自問小時候經常作惡多端, 對細佬妹都總是「蝦蝦霸霸」和偷呃拐騙的。再加上家庭內本身的張力, 使大家的關係拉得遠遠的。到長大後希望補救亦無從入手, 很是無奈。當然明白現在各有各的生活圈仔與及要走的道路, 要發展更深厚的關係是很困難的。對這方面我沒有很大的奢望。可是我同意爸爸所講的:「最重要是能夠看見妳開開心心。」
話說回來, 有關ufo 事件, 妳真的也有同樣的經歷嗎? 那是一個很奇怪、很刺眼的夢。
Harvard Biovisions - The Inner Life of a Cell
I saw this video in class and was totally fascinated by the image and the music. Although it's computer generated, it does show us the beauty of life. Absolutely worth seeing. If you think science has nothing to do with visual art, check this out!
Monday, September 03, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Bowen Island
對加拿大人來說香港高樓的密度是十分驚人的, 雖然很多如溫哥華一般的城市, 高樓是越蓋越多了。看見的或會問: 有需要嗎? (anyway, 現在不談這個)
早前去了bowen island , 是個很小很小的島。從horseshoe bay 乘渡輪出發不過15分鐘。
當天亂打亂撞地找到一個trail, 穿過一叢樹林後發現一個夢幻平原。詩一般的景象, 第一個感覺是很不真實的。可能是因為島上除了人之外, 便很少其他動物。牠們都躲藏起來嗎? 人對大自然作下的罪孽是頗深了。
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
And Dream of Sheep
很舊的一首歌,但對我來說所有未聽過的歌都是新歌。好喜歡 KATE BUSH 的音樂風格,覺得她將自己整個人都當作樂器來演奏, 相當地原創。她有自己的一套, 因此很難可以將她歸類(或歸為異類)。相反, tori amos 的音樂卻有些許她的影子。
她的詞亦很獨特,一些平常很少人用的題材她也寫得很出色。她debut 的 Wuthering heights,彧後來的the man with a child in his eyes, babooshka, the womans work, 都彷彿要用一種魔幻的風格來表達一種頗難言諭的微妙感情變化。
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
Sunday, April 01, 2007
能夠認識到你, 讓我感到很幸福。
每當看到新的張貼, 都覺得很幸福, 因為你們對生活的各樣體會, 都使我獲益良多。這段日子, 感到迷失的時候比較多。間接或直接地由你們身上獲得到「正力量」, 又會使我再提起勁。
有關迷失, 從前傾向相信只靠信念便可解決一切。
現在漸漸認識到, 原來以往都一直在相對保護的環境下成長, 有朋友、家人的支撐。現在來到個陌生的地方, 一切事像是從頭開始, 才發現自己原來很很很渺小, 對自己的能力很感懷疑。
Saturday, March 24, 2007
男友的視線正鎖在車上對坐的男子身上,該男子手上握著的ipod有個印著梵谷名作「星夜」花樣的外殼。很cool 啊,他也想要一個。
Friday, March 09, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
只有真正了解自己所要追求的是什麼的時候, 才有資格去「不留」。
如果還未及「找到」, 又怎去不留。
當雙腳不著地時, 會是向上升呢, 還是往下跌呢?
是不是要等到不再擔心或介意, 是向上或向下或向左或向右的時候,
才會有資格去不留呢? 腳才可以走得穩呢?
在走的人是我, 我是不可能參考其他人的。
加上, 只顧看別人的, 就不能專注自己的。
Friday, February 02, 2007
They died for beauty
Farewell my lovely
You sleep so cold
And how I'll love you forever.
My darling, I suppose
We had everything
And still wanted more
We told the stars down from the sky
Sometime back in '64
Now I remember the memory
Forever tonight.
Let these words be my testament
To each day that went wrong
Without you dear,
I am nothing
And there's nowhere I belong.
We had everything
And still wanted more
We told the stars down from the sky
Sometime back in '64
Now I remember the memory
Forever tonight Forever , fo-o-o-orever tonight.
好耐都冇update 果blog, 好抱歉。
1.) 自從生日當天老板指使阿manager 買0左張 starbuck 0既 coffee card 過我之後, 喜歡上0左呢個cinnimon dolce latte, 可惜買0左4柸之後, 就用哂d 錢喇。張card 值20蚊架, 頂!
都唔知d latte 點解咁貴.
於是, 我想學自己整囉...遲d。
2.) 搵番幾張大概兩年前買0既cds 出來聽, 都好奇咁由唔太鍾意到覺得好聽。唔...我遲下會放上來大家聽聽。其中一張係ilya 0既they died for beauty. 話係psychedelic , 乜trip hop喎...唔識分。
3.) 冇乜識到朋友, 不過同d同事關係好0左, 有傾下偈。都好啦。
4.) 入到自己想入0既學校喇, 好野。
5.) 好多功課做。
6.) 好想來多次小路音樂會。
冇力打字, bye
Monday, January 08, 2007
Despite the endless effort that she had spent on teaching herself to be optimistic, nothing had changed. "There are many tragedies in our world today, how can people like myself complain about life?", sometimes she tried to cheer up herself. It seemed to her that the only legitmate solution for all her discontent was to swallow her pain like precious juice, and to thank god for everything she owed. However, she was a faithful atheist. God was not the only one whom she did not believe. She had trusted no one since a very young age. She could not remember how and from when she began to take up the habit of "nonselective disbelief". She wanted to have real friends, but she could never open her heart to anyone, fearing to be hurt. She knew there was something wrong about herself. Deep at the bottom of her heart, she sensed that she was the one, not the imaginary enemies, who prevented her from pursuing happiness. It was the self-inflicted pain which made her suffered. She wondered if somewhere in the world she could find the remedy for this soul-sucking disease.
"Hey, com' on! Look at you! Lysey, you look drier than a cactus and older than my gramma. Go, come with me, we're going to get some new clothes today. " Mel swung her body when she talked.
"That's very kind of you, but I don't need any new clothes."
"Hey, today's the last day of the boxing week sale..."
"Mel, I need some rest. I couldn't sleep last night."
Thursday, January 04, 2007
The Sound of Music
About music...I've been quite picky on choosing CDs these days; anything that I don't feel like to listen to, I''ll turn it off within a sec.
About movie...
I watched "The Sound of Music" on Christmas Eve, and I'm not embarassed to tell you it was a wonderful movie. Out of my expectation, the movie was surprisingly good, even though the opening and ending are little bit boring. It's truely a classic. The most enjoyable part is that you can really learn how to sing, The songs are charming and simple. I like "Do Re Mi" and " My favourite thing" the best. They are very educational. What a joy!
I can still recite (I'm not lying) the lyric of "Do Re Mi".
Do A dear A female dear
Re (Ray)A drop of golden sun
Mi (Me)A name I call myself
Fa (Far) A long long way to run
So (Sew) A needle pulling thread
La A note that follow So
Ti (Tea) A drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to Do!
Hey, don't be shy, be a child. Enjoy~~